As with all large projects the detail of the component parts is crucial to complete the project. Without these details coming together what would look mundane will, with them, appear sublime. So it is with our new ceiling.
The edge strip lighting has been added giving the effect of a ceiling floating above the sanctuary. But the blue striping you see at the right will be changed out for a softer, or more welcoming yellow color -- detail.
The star itself has yet to be finished needing strip lights and diffusing panels -- detail.
The spotlights are causing concern for various reasons, but the crew is working to overcome those so it is still a work in progress -- detail.
The pendant lights have yet to be ordered; again work proceeds to finalize their purchase -- more detail.
The floor is complete and now curing. Placing anything on it prior to full curing would cause damage -- detail.
Different railings are being looked at, and what is needed has to be strong yet elegant -- again -- detail.
The pews are being returned and secured better than before along with support added. Yet, they still have to be cleaned.
When can the altar be placed back into the sanctuary? So close, but no answer yet.
All these details need to come together, and there is still more work. How long? -- a while yet.
Although not complete it certainly looks good the way it stands now. Think how beautiful when all the details are correct and come together.