Indulgence for the Centenary
The Apostolic Penitentiary has notified the Concilium that an Indulgence has been granted for the Centenary.
The Decree will be delivered in due course.
Centenary planning: 3rd September 2021 to 19th November 2022
All Dublin City and County Libraries have accepted and were given a complimentary copy of “Miracles on Tap” by Frank Duff.
All Frank Duff books are being re-printed.
Dependant on travel restrictions due to Covid-19, for those intending to visit Dublin during the Centenary Year – a visitors’ booklet will be available. The booklet will include a tour of the graves of Legion interest at Glasnevin Cemetery – about 10 in all. These graves will be identified and a short biographical note will be supplied for each.
A media firm is being engaged to take short testimonies from legionaries of all age groups to include on social media. Video clips highlighting Legion events from the decades will also be made.
One Dublin Curia, Gloriosa, has undertaken to make a Centenary Garden and hope to involve local residents in its preparation.
Irish Legion councils are being exhorted to start planning events throughout Ireland.
The Concilium correspondents are being asked to take a special interest in this and follow up regularly with their respective councils.
Dublin Archdiocese:
The main celebrations will centre round the anniversary date of the 1st meeting in September 1921.
3rd September 2021: Vigil of Thanksgiving and Opening Mass, followed by light refreshments in Myra House, 100 Francis Street. St. Nicholas of Myra
Throughout the week it will be possible to visit places associated with the Legion of Mary during the day.
19th November 2022: Closing Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated.
Archdiocese of Armagh, Cashel & Emly and Tuam:
It is suggested that a Mass of Thanksgiving be arranged in the Cathedral of these Archdioceses with the respective Archbishops (if available) being invited to be Chief Celebrant.
A Social with light refreshments served afterwards would mark the occasion. Active, Auxiliary, Adjutorian, former members and the general public would be invited to attend.
This should not deter each Diocese (with the Bishop in attendance, where possible) organising a Mass in its own Diocese during 2021. Members (past and present) as well as the general public would be invited to join in the celebrations.
All parts of the world:
All Legion Councils throughout the world are invited to let the Concilium know their plans at local level so that every legionary can attend events local to them so as to incur little, if any cost.
Photographs and video clips of these events can be sent to Concilium as they happen.
The model set out above is suggested for every Archdiocese and Diocese of the world.
The celebration of Mass would be the highlight and centrepiece. Light refreshments, the musical and other talents to be shared afterwards.
All celebrations should be modest. It would not be in keeping with the Legion spirit to put a burden (financial or travel) on legionaries. Therefore no charge should be made and the venue should be easily accessible to all.
Neither would it be in keeping with the Legion spirit to make use of uniforms or specially made up t-shirts, dresses etc.
The member of the Legion of Mary is a leaven in society not someone publicly marked out as a legionary.
Legacy left to the Legion
It would be desirable and important to remind ourselves of the legacy left to us by those legionaries who established the Legion where we are, the officers and members who served, most if not all now deceased.
We should also call to mind the persons who have crossed our paths in the course of our Legion apostolic works.
So too should we remember with gratitude the many Bishops, Priests and Religious who have supported the Legion down through the years.
An opportunity to offer the Legion to newcomers
All of us would agree our membership has taught us much, enabled us to gain many extra graces.
The Centenary should present us with opportunities to extend that offer to many more people whose lives could be greatly enriched including primary, secondary and third level students.
Great thanks
Above all, we mark the celebrations by thanking God and Our Blessed Lady for the millions of graces they have showered upon us – members and contacts alike – since the foundation of the Legion of Mary.
Before and after
Be sure to let the Concilium know what your plans are and afterwards to send us a short report and photographs of the celebrations from your place.
Source: Click here -} Centenary Legion of Mary